Monday, December 8, 2008

after the downpour

Well the downpour seems to have stopped, at least for today. I've been a bit frustrated as it's been so wet lately that I couldn't get to draw outside. It was actually cool (by Singapore standards) and a little breezy, really nice. Anyway, I grabbed the chance and did a couple of drawings of what I think is some kind of fig species - I've no idea which. There was a fish tail palm in the middle of it all, but I don't think this was the host tree. It was pretty hard to draw, roots all over the place and hard to follow. If my drawing looks confusing, it's because it was! I'm now wondering about recording some of the sounds I hear - they were incredible today - high pitched whine of cicadas (which is pretty standard), warbling orioles, hooting sounds from a drongo, and the funny clicking sounds of squirrels...


Secret Wish Jar said...

Great drawing! The beauty of nature in all its twisting and turning is so inspiring, isn't it?
I'd love to hear those sounds that surround you if you figure out a way of recording them! :)

Gina said...

Wow, it's amazing to me that you could draw all of that twisting and turning. Beautiful!

stargazer said...

Thank you! These fig trees are quite amazing - I love them.
And yes, I think I will try and find a way to start recording sounds.